Russo-Tait, T. & Rodgers, A.(in press). Liberal ideologies in academic STEM: How faculty can inadvertently perpetuate racial inequities. In Eds. Cochran G. & Adams, J.D. Critical Studies of Education. Springer.
Sherard, M.K.& Russo-Tait, T (in press). Exploring the Unstated: Using Critical Discourse Analysis to Examine Faculty Diversity Statements. Research in Higher Education.
Coffman, C.R., Price, R.M., Russo-Tait, T., & Frantz, K. (2024).Annotations of LSE Research: Enhancing Accessibility and Promoting High Quality Biology Education Research. CBE: Life Sciences Education.
Morton, T. R., Agee, W., Ashad-Bishop, K. C., Banks, L. D., Barnett, Z. C., Bramlett, I. D., ... Russo-Tait, T. & Woodson, A. N. (2023). Re-Envisioning the Culture of Undergraduate Biology Education to Foster Black Student Success: A Clarion Call. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 22(4), es5
King, G.P., Russo-Tait., T. & Andrews, T. (2023). Evading Race: STEM faculty struggle to acknowledge racialized classroom events. CBE: Life Sciences Education.
Russo-Tait, T. (2023). Science faculty conceptions of equity and their association to teaching practices. Science Education, 107(2), 427-458.
Russo-Tait, T. (2022). Color-blind or racially conscious?Science faculty’s sense making of racial/ethnic underrepresentation in STEM. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 59(10), 1822-1852.
Nguyen, U., Russo-Tait, T., Riegle-Crumb, C., & Doerr, K.T (2022). Changing the gendered status quo in engineering? The encouraging and discouraging experiences of young women with engineering aspirations. Science Education 106(6), 1442-1468.
Riegle-Crumb, C., Russo-Tait, T., Doerr, K.T., & Nguyen, U (2022). Critical consciousness of gender inequality in STEM: Considering the viewpoints of racially diverse high school girls with engineering aspirations. Sociological Perspectives.
Doerr, K., Riegle-Crumb, C., Russo-Tait, T., Takasaki, K., Sassler, S., Levitte, Y. (2020). Making merit work at the entrance to the engineering workforce: Examining women’s experiences and variations by race/ethnicity. Sex Roles, 85, 422–439.
Harrison, C.D. […] T. Russo-Tait […] Domingo, C.R., & Tanner, K.D. (2019). Investigatinginstructor talk in novel contexts: Widespread use, unexpected categories, and emergent sampling strategies. CBE: Life Sciences Education 18(3): ar30-mr3.
Riegle-Crumb, C., Peng, M., & Russo-Tait, T. (2019). Committed to STEM? Examining factors that predict occupational commitment among Asian and White female students completing STEM U.S. postsecondary programs. Sex Roles 82 (1-2), 102–116.
Owens, M.T., Trujillo, G., Seidel, S.B., Harrison, C.D. […] T. Russo-Tait […] Domingo, C.R., & Tanner, K.D. (2018). Collectively improving our teaching: Attempting biology department-wide professional development in scientific teaching. CBE: Life Sciences Education 17(1): ar2.
Owens, M.T., Seidel, S.B., Wong, M.[…] Russo-Tait, T […] Domingo, C.D., Schinske, & J.N., Tanner, K.D. (2017). Classroom sound can be used to classify teaching practices in college science courses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(12), 3085-3090.